Hi and welcome to my website. My name is Dr Carlene Campbell, I am a Professor (Associate) and Manager for Research Degrees at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK. I am also the former Chair for IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Wales South West Local Networks. My areas of expertise are within the field of Cybersecurity & Computer Forensics, Computer & Wireless Networks and other areas of Digital Technologies. I am passionate about research and am actively engaged in a number of projects; the outputs from these can be seen on my Publications page. My book is on the topic of Wireless Sensor Network MAC protocols and is available on Amazon.
I am an experienced supervisor of research projects from undergraduate to doctoral level. Over a number of years I have produced many resources to help guide student’s progress through their research successfully. The key objective is to share my career experiences, achievements and interests. Another objective of this website is to make resources available to students/researchers who are struggling in getting started with their projects. All these are available from my regularly updated Resources page. I am available for consultancy services and training needs
Please do not hesitate to get in touch for more information, if you have any questions and I especially welcome any feedback on the resources provided.